Transatlantic Parliamentary Group





European Conferences

& Washington Working Session

TAG Participation in European Conferences and Briefings

During 2010, representatives from TAG participated in European Parliament conferences, seminars and task forces throughout Europe including in Brussels, Madrid, Paris, and Budapest.

TAG Washington Working Session

In July 2010, the EIN conducted a seminar in Washington, DC dedicating one session to TAG’s initiatives. The session was attended by a number of US lawmakers including Reps. Sue Myrick, Franck Wolf, Chris Smith, and others.  TAG’s Co-Chair MEP Mayor Oreja delivered remarks about the necessity of opening the transatlantic field of security and economic cooperation to lawmakers and NGOs from Latin America, involved in promoting Transatlantic common values. The session recommended a series of policy themes to be addressed by the Third Summit in 2011, including Latin America, Middle East democracy, Terrorism, and Trade discussions.